Nose and Mouth

A good, deep breath starts with a clear nose and mouth. Whether you’re experiencing a stuffy nose or a persistent mouth sore, you can rely on dr Roux’s proven experience to bring you relief.

When Do I Need to See a Doctor?

When it comes to nose and chest congestion, it can be tough to know whether or not you need to see a doctor. One good way to gauge your need is the three-day rule: If you’ve been sick for three or more days and your symptoms are not improving, then it’s time for an appointment.

You should also see a doctor if you have:

A fever over 102°
Difficulty breathing
Chest pain
Pain when swallowing

These symptoms can indicate anything from strep throat to pneumonia and can worsen without appropriate medical attention.

Mouth related services Dr Roux can help you with:

Sinus Infections and Sinusitis
Sinusitis Treatments
Nose Injuries
Stuffy Nose
Lost Sense of Smell
Breathing Problems
Mouth Sores
Adenoid Disease